S*Anglarna's Super Spender
black&white van
CRX n 01 |
CH Melkior sleggja*IS
CRX n 03 33 |
Yas-53 Yam Yam-of-sleggja
CRX n |
CH Yas-53 Premacy
CRX w 63 |
Yas-53 BB
CRX ns |
S*Anglarna's RumRaisin
CRX n 01 |
IP&EC Ridgways Swedish Dream-of-Anglarnas, DSM, DM
CRX c 03 |
Heatwave Toot Toot Tootsie
CRX ns 03 |
Rexclick Phoebe
CRX n 01 |
GC&NW Richson Dandini of Mycro
CRX n 01 |
GC Morinoo Bo-Tara of Richson
CRX d 03 |
Richson I Will Remember You
CRX n 03 |
GC Mycro's Maaike Megastar of Rexclick
CRX n 03 |
CH Mewzakatani Max of Mycro
CRX n 03 |
CH Mycro's Nexus, DM
CRX w 63 |
S*Anglarna's Star Struck calico van
CRX f 01 |
CH Melkior sleggja*IS
CRX n 03 33 |
Yas-53 Yam Yam-of-sleggja
CRX n |
CH Yas-53 Premacy
CRX w 63 |
Yas-53 BB
CRX ns |
S*Anglarna's RumRaisin
CRX n 01 |
IP&EC Ridgways Swedish Dream-of-Anglarnas, DSM, DM
CRX c 03 |
Heatwave Toot Toot Tootsie
CRX ns 03 |
Anglarna's Red-Hot, JW
CRX d 02 |
FIFe IC/CFA CH Puraffections SOS Sandoval
CRX d 03 |
Puraffections Pshaw
CRX d 23 03
CH NAC-Monarc Charity of Puraffection
CRX f 03 |
Yas-53 Fire&Flames-of-Anglarna
CRX d 03 |
GC, BW&RW Morinoo July Prince of Yas-53 CRX d 03 |
CH Heatwave Honeycomb of Yas-53
CRX e 03 |